[Pierre L.]
Pierre L.

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2 Installation

2.1 Quick overview

As many packages FestPlugin is compiled and installed by running the usual $ ./configure $ make # make install sequence.


In fact things are a little bit more complicated since FestPlugin should be compiled into Festival. There is no need that Festival is compiled before installing FestPlugin since Festival will be recompiled after installing FestPlugin.


Moreover at least two types of installations might be performed a simple (but fully functional) one (cf. 2.3 ,) and a complete one (cf. 2.4 ,) involving examples (cf. 5.2 ,) in particular. Notice that in both cases linking against Festival follows the same schedule as briefly described in 2.1.1.

Notice that if you plan to install E.F.M. or FranFest you would better proceed to a complete installation. The advantage of a simple installation is that you do not need to install extra packages as it is required by a complete one (cf. 2.4.2 .)

The fact that the step 2.2 is mandatory or optional does not depend on the kind of installation you choose but only on the way you will retrieve the sources : a released tarball or a svn source tree.

2.2 Getting the sources from a svn repos

If you got the sources from a released tarball you may skip this section.

Otherwise you should run $ autoreconf -if from the top level archive directory to regenerate certain files.

2.3 The simple installation

2.3.1 Introduction

This installation consists only in copying the festival subdirectories tree of the FestPlugin pacakge into Festival source tree. The tree structure is preserved. For those who are familiar with Festival architecture it will be easy to recognize a module with a few additional files (cf. 3 ,) for more details.

Anyway there is a manual compilation step as described in 2.3.6.

2.3.2 Requirements

Has specified in section 2.3.6, after installing FestPlugin files you will need to recompile Festival. Hence standard compilation tools are required : essentially Bash and GCC Since these tools are required to recompile Festival you will find more details about them in Festival documentation and in particular about using equivalent tools.

But beware the Autoconf program is required even if you obtain FestPlugin from a tarball and not from the svn repos. Indeed Festival recompilation involves an Autoconf step as specified in

2.3.3 Configuring

Configuration is obtained by running the $ ./configure command but as we already said above FestPlugin files (or at least few of them) should be put into the Festival source tree to be recompiled with Festival. Hence before configuring FestPlugin you should decide where you plan to install Festival and unpack the source tree at this given place. Recall once more that the Festival source tree should be available on your system and not only a precompiled binary. Festival

–with-festival_path is the path to Festival’s compilation without the trailing “festival”. Default value is


The –with-festival_lib_path sets the parth to Festival libraries. In most of the cases /lib is simply appended to Festival directory. here festival/lib will be appended to the given path. Default value is

@ac_cv_pln_festival_lib_path_default@ Dynamic loader

Festival is not natively compiled against a dynamic loader since it does not enable the dynamic loading feature. This is precisely the goal of FestPlugin to allow such features. Hence Festival should be told to link against the c++ dynamic loader. The path to the dynamic loader will be put in the config.mak file (cf. 3.2.1 .) If the file libdl.so you plan to use is not at a standard place you can specify the –with-dl_libidr configure option. Default value is


You can also give the –with-level=simple option to configure issuing $ ./configure –with-level=simple –with-festival_path=<path> that avoids to pass the -C festival option at steps 2.3.4 and 2.3.5.

2.3.4 Making

Once you have told to the system where FestPlugin files should go as in any package a $ make command should be issued. Anyway it seems that at the moment it is not really necessary since no code really needs to be compiled at this step. Anyway a $ make command can be issued provided you ran $ ./configure –with-level=simple or now supply a -C festival option to avoid trying to compile other parts of the package that may need external requirements (cf. 2.4.2 .)

To sum up at this point you can safely issue : $ make -C festival. It is recommended to do it even if it seems to have no effect.

2.3.5 Installing

You can now let the system install FestPlugin files where they should go. In fact in


by default.

Simply issue the command # make -C festival install not forgetting to pass the -C festival option to avoid trying to install not really set parts of the package.

Remember that you may need privileges to execute the command above according to the value you gave to the prefix or –with-festival_pathconfigure options.

2.3.6 Recompiling Festival

Once you have achieved preceding steps you should recompile Festival as you will do for any module. Please refer to Festival documentation if you are not familiar with the Festival module concept. In the case of the FestPlugin module the procedure is slightly different from the standard one. In fact configure.in has been modified (cf. 3.1.1 ,) to allow enabling or disabling FestPlugin linking. Hence after entering Festival source tree directory, you should : 

First run $ autoconf to regenerate the configure file. 

Then run ./configure –with-festplugin=<yes/no> according to what you exactly want. Notice that setting the –with-festplugin to no at this point does not really make sense.Why making so many effort to install FestPlugin without making it now available in the Festival system ? 

Finally you have to run $ make to recompile Festival.

2.4 The complete installation

2.4.1 Introduction

There are in fact intermediate situations between a verry minimal installation as described in 2.3 and the installation you will get by passing the –with-level=complete option to the configure script. You might pass an example program name as option e.g. –with-level=heelo_world or –with-level=logger to only compile and install this particular program. If you pass the –with-level=complete option both will be compiled and installed.

2.4.2 Requirements

If you decide to compile one of the examples programs in any case Speech_Tools headers will Be neEded You ShOUld hence tell to configure where to find them with the –with-plnutils_headers option. Default location is


For the logger program you will also need the PlnUtils package that you should download compile and install. You should as well indicate where PlnUtils headers might be found. Default location is


Once you configured FestPlugin with the examples that you want to compile and install and you have satisfied all requirements you may simply issue $ make and # make install. Remember that configurations described in and, remain necessary to tell FestPlugin where to find the dynamic loader and where to put Festival module files.

Last step of simple installation (cf. 2.3.6 ,) should also be accomplished in the complete installation described in section 2.4.

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