[Pierre L.]
Pierre L.

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2.3.4 Making

Once you have told to the system where FestPlugin files should go as in any package a $ make command should be issued. Anyway it seems that at the moment it is not really necessary since no code really needs to be compiled at this step. Anyway a $ make command can be issued provided you ran $ ./configure –with-level=simple or now supply a -C festival option to avoid trying to compile other parts of the package that may need external requirements (cf. 2.4.2 .)

To sum up at this point you can safely issue : $ make -C festival. It is recommended to do it even if it seems to have no effect.

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Copyright (©) 2009 -- 2025 Pierre L. Nageoire

Apache/2.4.52 (Unix) PHP/8.1.3 SVN/1.14.1 Hevea 2.36