[Pierre L.]
Pierre L.

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3.0 Introduction

MySql installation is not documented by the Beyond Linux® From Scratch 11.1 book; even if there is a script to lauch MySql at system startup in the Beyond Linux® From Scratch bootscripts. I suspect that problem comes from the multiple requirements and in particular from the strictness of versions that are required; not always compatible with those installed by Beyond Linux® From Scratch.

Indeed installing MySql 8.0.16 – 29 within a Linux® From Scratch 11.1 was a fight and in fact impossible. Indeed it requires Boost 1.69.0 that I did not get compiled with GCC 11.2.0.

Nowadays things seem to be better with MySql 8.2.0 that might almost compile with an Linux® From Scratch 11.1 except that Zlib 1.2.11 is provided by Linux® From Scratch 11.1 since Zlib 1.2.13 is required by MySql. In fact latter version of Zlib is that installed by Linux® From Scratch 12.0; hence I suspect that MySql could probably perfectly compile with an Linux® From Scratch 12.0 but I did not yet get such a release installed on my system.

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